What is CBD Oil?
CBD stands for cannabidiol , an ingredient naturally sourced from hemp plants that are bred for nutritional purposes and contain only trace amounts of THC. CBD oil is not to be confused with medical marijuana or cannabis oil which are sourced from different strains of the cannabis plant and contain enough THC to cause a so-called ‘high’.
CBD is an ingredient sourced from certain hemp plants that are bred so as not to provide a so-called ‘high’. As it is oil-soluble, it is often mixed with hemp, coconut or olive oil to enhance its absorption. This CBD plus oil mixture is known as CBD oil. CBD is extracted from non-marijuana strains of the cannabis plant. The marijuana plant and the hemp plant are both from the ‘cannabis’ family, but the latter does not contain sufficient amounts of an ingredient known as THC. THC is the ingredient in cannabis that has ‘psychoactive’ effects and it’s particularly prevalent in the marijuana cannabis plant. Hemp cannabis, on the other hand, does not contain enough THC to cause these ‘psychoactive’ effects. Hemp is industrially produced, specifically to allow us to benefit from CBD without the effects of THC

CBD is now very topical. Despite the assumption that it stems from cannabis and the resultant connotations of this, CBD is now globally recognized as a genuine food supplement. The reason CBD in the form of a food supplement has been legalised in the UK is that it only contains trace amounts of THC, and so CBD supplements completely legal to buy and safe to take.
Whilst CBD is not psychoactive and does not produce a ‘high’ it is now increasingly used as a food supplement. Neither hemp seed oil nor cannabidiol oil contain significant levels of the psychoactive substance, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) which is found in marijuana. Both hemp seed oil and cannabidiol oil are therefore legal to take and are rapidly growing in popularity
Why CBD Cosmetics?
We are pleased to announce that later this year we will be promoting our own cosmetic product range. There has been much discussion about the benefits of CBD as an ingredient and as an application within the beauty industry. CBD has been used by several brands in products including mascaras. As long as products only contain trace amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), they can legally be sold to consumers. Latest market research, suggests that the advent of CBD for cosmetic use is likely to be the next must have, functional beauty ingredient, and its arrival could have a similar impact on the beauty industry as did shea butter and aloe vera not that long ago.
In September 2018, French beauty label Sephora launched its first cannabis-infused cosmetics brand called “High Beauty” .The line launched with two products: “High Expectations”, a cannabis facial oil, and “High Five”, a cannabis facial moisturiser.
Estée Lauder’s Origins brand also became one of the first mainstream beauty companies to release cannabis-infused products earlier this year. On the company’s website, it states that all ingredients used to manufacture the certified products in the range are 100 per cent natural, and that it only uses “the highest grade, locally grown cannabis and marijuana.
It is now a considered opinion that there’s been a shift in attitude in the way in which people perceive hemp products, as it’s now viewed by many as a well-being product .There is genuine excitement about CBD in the cosmetics world with the belief that there will be substantial progress made and development in the near future. Indeed, the CBD industry is expected to reach estimated sales of £16bn by 2022.

What is Cannabidiol (CBD) and how can it help relieve discomfort?
Cannabidiol is one of the most critical cannabinoids contained in the cannabis plant. It exists both in agricultural hemp, as well as medical cannabis. While cannabinoids are present within several plants in nature, cannabis is the only plant known to contain CBD.
CBD has the same chemical formula as THC, with the atoms in a different arrangement.
This slight variance causes THC to create a psychoactive effect, while CBD does not.
What Are the Benefits of CBD?
Cannabidiol oil helps the Endocannabinoid System:
Discovered in the 20th Century, our Endocannabinoid System (ECS) consists of numerous cannabinoid receptors that are endogenous to the mammalian brain.
B1 receptors are primarily found in the brain and central nervous system, and to a lesser extent in other tissues.
CB2 receptors are mostly in the peripheral organs especially cells associated with the immune system.